Adverbs – Definition and Types

What are Adverbs? Adverbs are essential parts of speech that provide more information about verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire sentences. They often describe how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed. Types of Adverbs: Adverbs of Manner: These adverbs describe how an action is performed. Example: She danced gracefully on stage. Adverbs of Time: These adverbs […]

15 Common Mistakes while writing English

Here are some common mistakes people often make while constructing sentences in English, along with tips on how to avoid them: Subject-Verb Agreement: Mistake: Using the wrong verb form that doesn’t match the subject in terms of number (singular/plural). Solution: Make sure the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number. For example, “He walks” (singular) vs. “They walk” […]

Types of Sentences

Sentence Formation The following are types of sentences:- Affirmative (positive) = Yes, confirming or asserting something as true or valid. Sometimes you will hear positive instead. Negative = No, a reply of denial. Interrogative = Ask a question. In English, sentences come in various types based on their purpose and structure. Each type serves a specific function in conveying information […]

Prepositions – Learn English in Punjabi Day 4

  Prepositions – Learn English in Punjabi Day 4 A preposition is a word (usually a short word) that shows the relationship between two other nearby words. For example (prepositions highlighted): a boy from Delhi (Here, the preposition from tells us the relationship between Delhi and boy.) a bone for the dog (Here, the preposition for tells us the relationship […]

Main Parts of Speech – Learn English

Parts of speech are the building blocks of language that help us understand and construct sentences. Each part of speech has a specific role in a sentence, contributing to its meaning and structure. Noun: Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. Example: cat, city, love Pronoun: Pronouns are used to replace nouns to avoid repetition. Example: he, […]